
Inspired by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, I've decided to release my work on this website (https://markymaligmat.com/) into the public domain. This means that all content on this site, except for the portfolio section, is uncopyrighted.

What does this mean for you?

  • You're free to use any content from this website in any way you like.

  • You can republish it on your own blog, in print, as part of a book, or any other medium.

  • You can modify or alter the content as you see fit.

  • You don't need to ask for permission or provide attribution (although it's appreciated).

Why uncopyright?

Just like Leo, I also believe in the free sharing of information and ideas. By removing copyright restrictions, it encourages creativity, innovation, and the spread of knowledge.


Please note that the portfolio section of this website remains copyrighted. This is to protect the integrity of my professional work samples.

A note on external content

While I've released my own content into the public domain, please be aware that external links, quotes, or embedded content from other sources may still be under copyright protection.

Contact information:

If you would like to contact me or if you have any concerns, you may send an email to hello@markmaligmat.com.

As Leo Babauta says, "If you'd like to give me credit, I'd appreciate it, but it's not required". Feel free to spread the ideas you find here, build upon them, or use them to create something entirely new.

Remember, in a world of restrictions, sometimes the most radical act is to give freely.